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Summer Market Trends: What Sellers Need to Know

Summer Market Trends: What Sellers Need to Know

As temperatures rise, so does the real estate market activity. Summer is a busy season for
buying and selling homes, and understanding the latest trends can help you take full advantage.
Whether you’re planning to list your property soon or are already in the process, here’s what you
need to know about selling your home in the summer market:

Potential Buyer Demand Increase

Summer can be one of the busiest times of the year for real estate. With many people off work
and children out of school, it’s a convenient time for moving. Make the most of this season by
pricing your house competitively and ensuring it looks its best. Enhance your curb appeal with a
well-maintained lawn and fresh flowers. A clean, clutter-free interior will also help attract
potential buyers.

Strategic Pricing

Having more homes on the market means that setting the right price is very important.
Overpricing or underpricing could both lead to undesirable circumstances. Doing your research
and communicating with your realtor to get your price to that sweet spot will be key. Once you’ve
got that down, attracting buyers should not be an issue.

Curb Appeal Importance

Curb appeal in the summer is even more important. From a well-manicured lawn to a fresh
flower garden in the front yard, this is crucial for first impressions. You may even consider
repainting your front door, washing the exterior of the house, or planting new flowers. Anything
to help your home stand out will make a big difference.

Showing Flexibility

Many people have busy schedules during the summer. From vacations to family activities, it can
be hectic. However, having flexible times available and being ready to show your home could
really increase your offers. The more accessible your home is, the better your chances of
attracting buyers.

Timing! Timing! Timing!

The timing of when you list your house could be a game changer for you. The timing can
determine how fast and at what price your home will sell. Early summer provides opportunities
for those who are eager to move before the school year. However, mid to late summer can also
be a good time for buyers who haven’t found a home but are more eager to close a deal.

Selling your home in the summer can be very rewarding if you know the current market trends.
Prepare your home, price it right, and be flexible with showings to attract serious buyers and
make a successful sale. If you’re planning to sell this summer, contact Mathews Realty for
expert advice and personalized service. Our team is ready to help you navigate the summer
market and reach your real estate goals.

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